Progressing from acclaimed editor to operational leader
To successfully navigate a new leadership role within the shifting and challenging film industry, Isaac Chen turned to Yale’s Business Perspectives for Creative Leaders Live Online.
After years spent honing his skills in editing and visual storytelling, Isaac Chen brought his talents to co-found Cabin Editing Company. As COO, he helped elevate the company to a globally renowned film editing and post-production enterprise with locations in Los Angeles, New York City, and London.
However, the ever-evolving landscape of the industry presented fresh challenges to scaling the company. He saw diversification into other markets and disciplines as a natural next step—but questioned how to get there.
Transitioning from a creative role to an executive position can be difficult without the right expertise. To move his company forward, he recognized the need to strengthen his management and leadership skills. That’s when he decided to pursue Yale’s Business Perspectives for Creative Leaders Live Online program.
When you attended the program, where were you in your career?
During my participation in the program, I was in the midst of a transition from a creative role to a more business and operations-oriented position. This program proved to be instrumental in equipping me with a fresh set of tools, perspectives, and productive habits which have significantly enhanced my ability to effectively manage and expand our enterprise.
Since your time in the program, what professional accomplishments bring you the greatest pride?
Since participating in the program, my most significant source of pride lies in my increased influence within the industry as a whole, my bolstered confidence when dealing with various situations, and my adeptness in managing the newer generations of staff joining our team. Undoubtedly, the research insights, tools, and mindsets acquired through the program have played an integral role in these achievements.
Conventional business perspectives often do not align seamlessly with the dynamics of creative companies, and it can be challenging to find mentors who specialize in creative enterprises. In this context, this program stands out as the most valuable resource available.
What are some key program learnings that you have implemented in your work?
Some key lessons from the program that I've applied in my professional life involve mastering the art of delegating tasks effectively, allowing me to reclaim a significant amount of my time and allocate it more critically. Additionally, the negotiation skills I learned have proven immensely beneficial, not only in effectively maneuvering through deals but also in sourcing and managing talent and staff.
How would you describe the program and its value to someone considering it?
If you are in the creative industry and are currently in the process of shifting from a creative role to managing both the creative team and the business, this is unequivocally the most impactful step you can take for your professional growth and development. Additionally, conventional business perspectives often do not align seamlessly with the dynamics of creative companies, and it can be challenging to find mentors who specialize in creative enterprises. In this context, this program stands out as the most valuable resource available.
Is there anything else you would like to share about your program experience or what you've achieved since your program?
I can say with confidence that this program is very well operated, comprehensive, and thoughtfully designed. It covers various aspects of a creative business, making it a truly holistic program that provides all the essential tools one would require. If you're seeking a convergence of business acumen in a creative industry, then look no further, as this program provides precisely that.