The MBA for Executives Class of 2025 boasts an accomplished group of leaders from a variety of industries and sectors—including lawyers, physicians, engineers, CEOs, and entrepreneurs.
Data gathered at fall matriculation.

Class of 2025 Overview
Born abroad
U.S. Students of Color (% of U.S. Students)2
Advanced degree holders1
US Military active duty or veterans
U.S. underrepresented students of color (% of U.S. Students)3
1 Includes: Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Pharmacy, Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Arts, Master of Library Science, Master of Public Health, Master of Science in Nursing, Master of Social Work
2 Includes: U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents who identify as Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native American/Islander, or Multiethnic
3 Includes: U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents who identify as Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native American/Islander, or Multiethnic
Professional Background
Area of Focus
Industries Represented
- Consulting
- Consumer Goods/Retail
- Education
- Energy
- Entertainment
- Financial Services (Accounting)
- Financial Services (Asset Management)
- Financial Services (Investment Banking)
- Financial Services (Investment Management)
- Financial Services (Private Equity/Venture Capital)
- Government
- Healthcare Delivery
- Healthcare Management
- Hospital
- Hospitality
- Information Technology
- Manufacturing
- Medical Device
- Military
- Pharmaceuticals
- Real Estate
- Research
- Transportation
Select Employers
- Apple
- Asana
- Atlassian
- Avelo Airlines
- Boston Children's Hospital
- Brandywine Global Investment Management LLC
- Chevron
- Children's Hospital of Los Angeles/University of Southern California
- City Private Bank NAM
- Deloitte Consulting LLP
- Disney Streaming
- Ernst & Young
- Forestdale Inc
- JPMorgan Chase
- Longfellow Investment Management Co. LLC
- Morgan Stanley
- Nest Health
- New Haven Free Public Library
- Northern Trust
- Northwestern Medicine
- Oaktree Capital Management
- Optima Health/Mass General Hospital
- Robinhood Markets, Inc.
- Sanofi
- She Matters, Inc.
- Sikorsky/Lockheed Martin
- The Jackson Laboratory
- U.S. Department of Transportation
- U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
- U.S. Army
- Warner Bros. Discovery
- WeWork
- Yale New Haven Health
Geographic Diversity
Class of 2025
Citizenships/Birth Countries
- 12 Foreign Nationals; 11 citizenships (incl US)
- 28% born abroad
- Birth countries: United States, India, China, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Egypt, France, Jamaica, Nigeria, Romania, Russia, South Korea, Sweden, United Kingdom

MBA For Executives
Area of Focus: Asset Management
“My entire career has been in the public sector, and my background is in public policy and politics. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, countries are increasingly demanding more accountability from their multilateral, global institutions. I knew a foundation in business would help me navigate this change.”

MBA For Executives
Area of Focus: Healthcare
“This program is for anyone who wants to refine their skill set and improve their career progression in hopes of making a positive impact in the world. It’s a catalyst to catapult you toward where you want to go, whether that’s pivoting to something new or enhancing your current career trajectory.”

MBA For Executives
Area of Focus: Sustainability
“A lot of what I’m learning overall in the program I’m actually using in my job right now, whether it’s when our manufacturing team talks about six sigma, our VP of marketing challenges us to improve customer satisfaction, or when we’re exploring how to work more efficiently with our regional offices.”