X. Frank Zhang
James L. Frank ’32 Professor of Accounting
Professor Zhang's research focuses on empirical capital market researches, including stock anomalies, fundamental analysis, investor and analyst behavior, management incentives, and corporate financial reporting. He is interested in both rational and behavioral approaches in studying stock anomalies and cross-sectional variations in stock returns.
- PhD, University of Chicago, 2006
- MBA, University of Chicago, 2005
- BS, Nankai University, 1993
Earnings Management via Not-Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries
M. Luo, X. Zhang, and X. F. Zhang
Management Science
The Effect of Dispersion on the Informativeness of Consensus Analyst Target Prices
A. Palley, T. D. Steffen, and X. F. Zhang
Management Science
Using economic links between firms to detect accounting fraud
C. Li, N. Li, and X. F. Zhang
The Accounting Review, issue 1, vol. 98
Measuring the information content of disclosures: The role of return noise
J. Thomas, X. F. Zhang, and W. Zhu
The Accounting Review
Meet, Beat, and Pollute
J. Thomas, W. Yao, X. F. Zhang, and W. Zhu
Review of Accounting Studies, issue 3, vol. 27, pp. 1038-1078
Working Papers
Silent Skies: The Impact of Earnings Pressure on Bird Populations
J. Thomas, W. Yao, X. F. Zhang, and W. Zhu
Yale University, Xiamen University, and UIUC
The Death of Stock Splits: An Increase in the Costs To Split
J. Heater, Y. Liu, Q. Tan, and X. F. Zhang
University of Minnesota, Fudan University, City University of Hong Kong, and Yale University
Winning is not enough: Changing landscapes of earnings surprises and the market reaction
J. Heater, Y. Liu, Q. Tan, and X. F. Zhang
University of Minnesota, Fudan University, City University of Hong Kong, and Yale University
Does mandatory short selling disclosure lead to investor herding behavior
J. Heater, Y. Liu, Q. Tan, and X. F. Zhang
University of Minnesota, Fudan University, City University of Hong Kong, and Yale University