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Vahideh Manshadi

Vahideh Manshadi

Professor of Operations

Professor Manshadi’s research focuses on the operation of online and matching platforms, especially those with profound societal impact, including volunteer crowdsourcing, organ allocation, and information (news) platforms. She has collaborated with nationwide platform-based nonprofits, including Food Rescue US and VolunteerMatch. She has also worked on operational problems in e-commerce platforms such as online shopping and advertising. 


  • PhD, Stanford University
  • MS, Stanford University
  • BS, Sharif University of Technology

Selected Works

Online Algorithms for Matching Platforms with Multi-Channel Traffic   
V. Manshadi, S. Rodilitz, D. Saban, and A. Suresh   
Management Science   
2024, Forthcoming 

Commitment on Volunteer Crowdsourcing Platforms: Implications for Growth and Engagement   
I. Lo, V. H. Manshadi, S. Rodilitz, and A. Shameli   
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management   
2024, Articles In Advance   

Fair Dynamic Rationing   
V. H. Manshadi, R. Niazadeh, and S. Rodilitz   
Management Science   
2023 Articles In Advance

Information Design for Congested Social Services: Optimal Need-Based Persuasion   
J. Anunrojwong, K. Iyer, and V. H. Manshadi   
Management Science   
2022 Articles In Advance

Learning Product Rankings Robust to Fake Users   
N. Golrezaei, V. H. Manshadi, J. Schneider, and S. Sekar   
Operations Research    
2022 Articles In Advance   

Designing Approximately Optimal Search on Matching Platforms   
N. Immorlica, B. Lucier, V. Manshadi, and A. Wei   
Management Science   
2022 Articles In Advance

Online Policies for Efficient Volunteer Crowdsourcing   
V. H. Manshadi and S. Rodilitz   
Management Science   
2022 Articles In Advance

Product Ranking on Online Platforms   
M. Derakhshan, N. Golrezaei, V. H. Manshadi, and V. Mirrokni   
Management Science   
Volume 68, Issue 6,  pp. 3975-4753   

Impact of Network Structure on New Service Pricing   
S. Alizamir, N. Chen, S. Kim, and V. H. Manshadi,   
Mathematics of Operations Research   
2021 Articles In Advance

Online Resource Allocation under Partially Predictable Demand   
D. Hwang, P. Jaillet, and V. H. Manshadi,   
Operations Research   
Volume 69, Issue 3, pp. 895-915   

Information Inundation on Platforms and Implications   
G. Allon, K. Drakopoulos, and V. H. Manshadi   
Operations Research   
Volume 69, Issue 6, pp. 1784-1804   

Diffusion in Random Networks: Impact of Degree Distribution   
V. H. Manshadi, S. Misra, and S. Rodilitz   
Operations Research   
Volume 68, Issue 6, pp. 1722-1741   

On Matching and Thickness in Heterogeneous Dynamic Markets    
I. Ashlagi, M. Burq, P. Jaillet, V. H. Manshadi   
Operations Research   
Volume 67, Issue 4   

The Stochastic Container Relocation Problem    
V. Galle, V. H. Manshadi, S. Borjian, C. Barnhart, and P. Jaillet   
Transportation Science   
Volume 52, Issue 5   

Working Papers   
Redesigning VolunteerMatch's Ranking Algorithm: Toward More Equitable Access to Volunteers   
Vahideh Manshadi, Scott Rodilitz, Daniela Saban, and Akshaya Suresh   
Management Science 
2024, Major Revisions 

Markovian Search with Socially Aware Constraints   
M. R. Aminian, V. Manshadi, and R. Niazadeh 
Management Science   
2024, Major Revisions

Robust Dynamic Staffing with Predictions   
Y. Feng, V. Manshadi, R. Niazadeh, and S. Neyshabouri 

Dynamic Matching with Post-Allocation Service and its Application to Refugee Resettlement   
K. Bansak, S. Lee, V. Manshadi, R. Niazadeh, and E. Paulson