From the Associate Director of Admissions: Insight into Our Review Process
Emily Whitehouse offers insight into the application review process for the Master’s Degree in Asset Management program.
You’ve made it to the finish line! After much research, reflection, and time spent on completing your application by the January 13 deadline, you may now be wondering what happens after you hit “submit.” I’d like to provide some insights into our review process.
I’ll start by noting that we put a lot of thought into how our application is constructed. You may have noticed when completing the application that ours is quite streamlined and deliberate in what we ask of you. Our guiding principle is to only ask questions that are relevant to evaluating an applicant’s candidacy. At the same time, the committee is looking to get the fullest picture of each candidate. Though grades and test scores are certainly important to our review process, our goal is to get to know the whole person as we review applications.
Soon after the application deadline, the Admissions Committee begins the review process; we do not read applications before the deadline. Your application will be reviewed by at least two members of the Admissions Committee independently. We come together as a full group for multiple committee meetings to discuss the applications we’ve reviewed. These meetings serve as an opportunity to discuss and hear multiple perspectives, and as a means of reducing bias; they help ensure that we are making decisions based solely on the merits of each individual applicant.
Interviews are not requested of all applicants and are not required to gain admission. If the committee determines an interview would be helpful in their evaluation of a particular applicant, an invitation to interview may be extended. You may receive an interview invitation at any time in the cycle until decisions are released on April 9. Interviews are conducted online through a video conferencing platform, are 30 minutes long, and conducted by a member of the Admissions Committee.
If after submitting your application you have updates to share, we strongly encourage using the portal located on your applicant status page to do so. This is the best place to provide new test scores or retakes, updated transcripts/certifications, résumé updates, and changes to your job or internship plan. We cannot guarantee that materials and information submitted after the deadline will be used in our evaluation, but we do our very best to consider them.
I hope this sheds some light on the months between the application deadline and the release of decisions. It’s been wonderful getting to know you all through our online events and thoughtful inbox inquiries. I look forward to learning more about you by reviewing your applications!
Emily Whitehouse
Associate Director for Admissions, Management Master’s Programs
Yale School of Management
PO Box 208200 l 165 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, CT 06520
T: 203-436-4299