A Roadmap for Strengthening the Field of Consumer Psychology
Though consumer psychology studies how people behave in the market, very little is actually known about what consumers know of and believe about markets.

The Heart of the Gift: Exploring the Psychology of Valentine's Day Giving
Academic research can provide a lot of interesting insight on Valentine's Day gifting. Discover how marketers can capitalize on the diverse motivations behind gift-giving to spread love across all relationships.

YCCI's Take on 2024 Marketing Trends
The Yale Center for Customer Insights identifies the marketing trends of 2024 that actually deserve your attention.

Reviving Retail: How to Make Malls 'Lowkey' Cool Again
Shopping malls, once a hub of social activity, have been all but abandoned by younger shoppers in recent decades.

Understanding Sober-Curious: Consumer Mindsets in the Move to Healthier Beverages
Explore the rise of wellness-driven beliefs behind consumer decisions where nonalcoholic options are no longer just for the sober but for those prioritizing mental and physical well-being.

Now or Never: Why Do Many New Year’s Resolutions Fail?
Uncover the psychological nuances behind the gap between good intentions and actual follow-through when it comes to New Year's Resolutions, exploring phenomena like hyperbolic discounting and identity attachment.

Navigating Brand Trust in Modern Marketing
Evolving consumer demands and societal shifts are reshaping the concept of brand trust. How can brands build lasting consumer trust leading to loyalty in today's ever-changing marketing landscape?

How Pet Retailers Can Use Insight-Driven Advertising to Keep Customers Coming Back to Stores
As pet retailers notice a post-pandemic dip in customers, a study out of the Yale Center for Customer Insights (YCCI) uncovers marketing and advertising strategies that could help drive up sales and services.

Is Green “Clean Enough”? The Perceived Limits of Natural and Sustainable Personal Care Products
Explore the nuanced consumer perceptions of natural and sustainable personal care products, revealing that even ardent advocates of sustainability may have limits in their preferences.

Decoding Black Friday Shopping Behavior: From Impulse Buys to Thoughtful Choices
Explore the psychology of consumer behavior to uncover what drives shoppers from impulsive purchases to thoughtful choices, shedding light on System 1's allure, shopping momentum, opportunity costs, and the importance of lasting value in consumer