These are highly selective projects that are very time intensive and require a great deal of flexibility with scheduling. You will earn six (6) credits upon successful completion of this course.
Student Responsibilities:
- Attend mandatory Discovery Project kickoff meetings, midterm and final presentations, and weekly meetings with faculty advisors/student team throughout the semester (dates/times TBD by team).
- Attend five mandatory lectures and other project events most Wednesday evenings throughout the semester.
- Plan to spend approximately 12-14 hours per week on this course, and potentially 16+ hours during midterm and final presentation prep.
- Conduct interviews among consumers, generate insights, test insights, and provide recommendations to affiliate companies.
- Final team presentation to the affiliate with midterm check-in.
- 7-10 page white paper summarizing findings.
Ravi Dhar, George Rogers Clark Professor of Management & Marketing, Yale SOM; Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology, Yale University; Director, YCCI
Nathan Novemsky, Professor of Marketing, Yale SOM; Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology, Yale University
Treeny Ahmed, Executive Director, YCCI; Lecturer in the Practice of Management, Yale SOM