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Michele Jones, Pretty Pratita, and Andrea Zúñiga

#SOMBFF: Three Central Bankers Form a Friendship at Yale SOM

Generations of students have made lifelong friends at Yale SOM. Michele Jones ’19, Pretty (Tita) Pratita ’19, and Andrea Zúñiga ’19, graduates of the Master's Degree Program in Systemic Risk, share their #SOMBFF story.

Tell me about your #SOMBFFs.
During my time at Yale I had the fortune to meet Michele and Tita. I am from Mexico, Tita from Indonesia, and Michele is from the U.S. All three of us are central bankers that went to Yale SOM to pursue a Master’s in Systemic Risk.

How did you meet your #SOMBFFs?
We met during orientation in August 2018. We took all of our courses together and spent late nights at the school working on assignments.

How has this friendship enriched your life?
Not only did we become good friends, but we were also each other’s safety net during our studies. We helped each other to cope with school, took care of each other when anyone was sick, and the bond between us still remains strong. We will always remember our year at SOM!

Do you have a favorite SOM memory which solidified your friendship? 
One day we had an assignment due the next day so we decided to get ourselves some snacks, bubble tea, and pizza, and stayed working all night long in a breakout room.  Procrastination was part of our agenda so we decided to take a break to watch a movie and continue working. We basically spent the whole night working and sleeping a while, only to wake up and realize we had to go to our sessions to review our papers at the communication center.

Anything else you’d like to share?
Cynthia de Roma from the Professional Communication Center played a vital role in our studies, always helping us to improve our writing skills in our assignments. Sleepless nights, working while having lunch at Charley’s Place, and gathering for Closing Bell strengthened our friendship.