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Employment Report 2022-23

Throughout their careers, Yale MBAs take on a range of challenges across regions and sectors. The variety of employers that hire Yale SOM students is remarkable, reflecting the initiative and creativity that our students bring to shaping their own careers. 

Full-Time: Class of 2022

Received offer by 3-months post-graduation
Median salary
Median signing bonus
Unique employers
  • International students received job offers as a rate similar to U.S. citizens and permanent residents, with 98.5% receiving an offer by three months after graduation.
Overall Salary Data
Base Salary1 Other Guaranteed Compensation2
Group 25th Percentile Median 75th Percentile Median Signing Bonus Median Guaranteed Year-End Bonus
All $130,000 $160,110 $175,000 $30,000 $20,000
US/PR $130,000 $165,000 $175,000 $30,000
International $129,059 $151,595 $170,000 $30,000
Starting own business / entrepreneurs
Accepting jobs at nonprofit organizations across industries
Class of 2022 Demographics [†]
Women 39%
U.S. Students of Color †† 44%
Underrepresented U.S. Students of Color ††† 15%
International Passport Holders †††† 40%
Average GMAT 720
Average Undergraduate GPA 3.62

Note: at matriculation in fall 2020

† All U.S. race/ethnicity data is shown as a percentage of U.S. citizens and permanent residents.
†† Students who identify as American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, Asian American, Black/African American or Hispanic/Latinx.
††† Students who identify as American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, Black/African American or Hispanic/ Latinx.
†††† Includes U.S. Permanent Residents and dual citizens

Class of 2022 Full-Time Employment by Industry [3]

MBA Employment by Industry
Salary Data by Industry
Industry 25th Percentile Median Base Salary 1 75th Percentile Median Signing Bonus 2
Consulting Services $160,000 $175,000 $190,000 $30,000
Finance: Investment Banking $175,000 $175,000 $175,000 $50,000
Finance: Investment Management $125,000 $140,000 $153,750 *
Finance: Diversified Financial Services $124,750 $133,500 $146,000 $30,000
Finance: Venture Capital $114,000 $128,000 $141,250 *
Finance: Private Equity $145,000 $150,000 $185,000 *
Technology $136,000 $146,000 $165,000 $25,000
Retail: eCommerce $132,600 $142,000 $155,528 $75,150
Retail: Other * * * *
Consumer Packaged Goods $108,000 $112,000 $120,000 $27,500
Healthcare/Pharmaceuticals $130,000 $134,000 $135,000 $32,500
Real Estate $105,000 $122,500 $128,750 *
Nonprofit5 $115,000 $120,000 $120,000 *
Energy * * * *
Manufacturing * * * *
Government * * * *
Transportation * * * *
Media/Entertainment * * * *
Hospitality * * * *
Human Capital/Org Development/Executive Search * * * *

* insufficient data or data not published to maintain student privacy

Class of 2022 Full-Time Employment by Function [3]

MBA Employment by Function
Salary Data by Function
Job Function 25th Percentile Median Base Salary1 75th Percentile Median Signing Bonus2
Consulting: External Consulting $160,000 $175,000 $190,000 $30,000
Consulting: Internal Consulting/Strategy $120,050 $140,000 $165,000 $25,000
Finance/Accounting $129,250 $152,000 $175,000 $50,000
Marketing/Sales $120,000 $134,000 $145,000 $35,000
General Management $120,315 $133,000 $145,000 *
Operations/Logistics $126,000 $132,600 $136,000 $40,000
Other4 $100,000 $120,000 $125,000 *
Sustainability $130,000 $150,000 $160,000 *

* insufficient data or data not published to maintain student privacy

Employment by U.S. Regions [3]

Hires by U.S. region: Northeast 54.4%, West 21.5%, Midwest 5.9%, Mid-Atlantic 11.0%, Southwest 3.8%, South 3.4%
Full-time employment within the U.S.
Median base salary
Median Base Salary by Region [1]
Region Salary
Northeast $165,000
West $165,000
Mid-Atlantic $155,000
Midwest $150,000
Southwest $142,000
South $160,000

Employment by International Regions [3]

Hires by International Region: Asia Pacific 39.1%, Europe 17.4%, Canada 17.4%, Central America and Caribbean 17.4%, South America 4.3%, Africa and Middle East 4.3%
International full-time employment
Median base salary for international employment
Median Base Salary by Region [1]
Region Salary
Asia $116,631
Europe *
Central America and Caribbean *
Canada *
South America *
North Africa and Middle East *
Africa *

* insufficient data or data not published to maintain student privacy

Students Not Seeking Employment
40 12.2%
Company Sponsored 20 6.1%
Starting Own Business 15 4.6%
Continuing Education 5 1.5%

Class of 2022 Notes

1. Compensation information is self reported. Of students reporting accepted offers, 95.4% included salary information.

2. Of those reporting salary information, 82.1% reported receiving a signing bonus and 6.0% reported receiving a guaranteed year-end bonus. In order to be noted in tables for Signing Bonus, function and industry must have at least 50% reporting signing bonus.

3. One hundred percent of students reporting accepted offers included job industry and function. Of students reporting accepted offers, 98.8%  included region.

4. “Other” function consists of Information Technology (0.8%), Real Estate (0.8%), Law (0.4%), and Social Impact (0.4%).

5. Across all industries, 4.2% of accepted jobs were in nonprofit organizations including ones that are reflected above in Consulting, Investment Management, Media/Entertainment, and Technology.

* Asterisk indicates insufficient data or data not published to maintain student privacy.

Internships: Class of 2023

Accepted job offers [1]
Class size
Weekly Salary [3]
Group 25th Percentile Median 75th Percentile
All $1,443 $2,289 $3,346
US/PR $1,534 $2,331 $3,346
International $1,373 $2,168 $3,323
Class of 2023 Demographics [†]
Women 43%
U.S. Students of Color †† 49%
Underrepresented U.S. Students of Color ††† 20%
First Generation College Students 9%
Joint Degree Students 9%
International Passport Holders †††† 44%
Average GMAT 726
Average Undergraduate GPA 3.66

Note: at matriculation in fall 2021

† All U.S. race/ethnicity data is shown as a percentage of U.S. citizens and permanent residents.
†† Students who identify as American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, Asian American, Black/African American or Hispanic/Latinx.
††† Students who identify as American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, Black/African American or Hispanic/ Latinx.
†††† Includes U.S. Permanent Residents and dual citizens

Class of 2023 Internships by Industry [4]

MBA Internship by Industry
Internship Salary Data by Industry [3]
Industry 25th Percentile Median Weekly Salary2 75th Percentile
Consulting Services $2,981 $3,346 $3,365
Finance: Investment Banking $3,067 $3,365 $3,365
Finance: Venture Capital $894 $1,269 $1,807
Finance: Investment Management $1,158 $1,362 $2,495
Finance: Private Equity $476 $715 $942
Finance: Diversified Financial Services $1,252 $1,705 $2,450
Retail: eCommerce $2,168 $2,168 $2,289
Technology $1,892 $2,192 $2,540
Healthcare/Pharmaceuticals $1,385 $1,680 $2,088
Nonprofit $738 $923 $1,000
Media/Entertainment $1,134 $1,400 $1,665
Consumer Packaged Goods $1,325 $1,758 $1,952
Manufacturing $840 $2,308 $2,308
Government $825 $825 $825
Transportation $1,038 $1,481 $1,660
Energy $1,351 $1,850 $2,000
Real Estate * * *
Law * * *
Hospitality * * *

* insufficient data or data not published to maintain student privacy

Class of 2023 Internships by Function [4]

MBA Internships by Function
Internship Salary Data by Function [3]
Function 25th Percentile Median Weekly Salary 75th Percentile
Consulting: External Consulting $2,990 $3,346 $3,365
Consulting: Internal Consulting/Strategy $923 $1,400 $2,140
Finance/Accounting $1,338 $2,168 $3,365
Marketing/Sales $1,405 $2,000 $2,168
General Management $962 $2,030 $2,168
Operations/Logistics $1,481 $2,200 $2,289
Other5 $950 $1,663 $2,262

* insufficient data or data not published to maintain student privacy

Internships by U.S. Regions [4]

Internships by U.S. region: Northeast 56.2%, West 21.5%, Midwest 7.4%, Mid-Atlantic 6.4%, Southwest 4.7%, South 3.7%
Internships within the U.S.
Median weekly salary for U.S. internships
Median Weekly Salary by Region [3]
Region Salary
Northeast $2,600
West $2,168
Midwest $2,404
Mid-Atlantic $2,284
Southwest $2,942
South $3,346

Non-U.S. Internships by International Region [4]

Internships by International Region: Asia Pacific 52.4%, Mexico 14.3%, Europe 11.9%, Canada 7.1%, Central America 2.4%, South America 2.4%, Africa 7.1%, North Africa and Middle East 2.4%
Internships outside the U.S.
Median weekly salary for international internships
Median Weekly Salary by Region [3]
Region Salary
Asia $1,211
Mexico $2,736
Europe *
Canada *
Africa *
South America *
Middle East/North Africa *
Central America *

* insufficient data or data not published to maintain student privacy

Students Not Seeking Employment
15 4.3%
Starting Own Business2 6 1.7%
Continuing Education 6 1.7%
Company Sponsored 3 0.9%

Class of 2023 Notes

1. Of students accepting internships, 9 (2.7%) reported having multiple internships.

2. Of students accepting internships, 1 (0.3%) also reported starting their own venture

3. Compensation information is self reported. Of accepted offers, 95.9% included salary information. Of those, 1.5% reported receiving no salary. Salary data presented above represents students who reported salary information and were paid a salary. Of reported paid and unpaid salaries, 5.4% were expected to be supplemented by the Yale SOM Internship Fund, a donor-supported fund that provides financial support to students who pursue summer internships in the public or nonprofit sector. This funding is not included in the salaries presented above. Of all internship salaries, 1.5% were expected to be supplemented by funds from the Small Business Internship Program (SBIP), a special fund for students exploring opportunities in for-profit small businesses.

4. One hundred percent of accepted offers included job industry and job function. Of students reporting accepted job offers, 99.1% included job region.

5. “Other” function consists of Information Technology (0.9%), Law (0.6%), Sustainability (0.6%), Human Resources (0.3%), Buyer/Merchandising (0.3%), Research & Development (0.3%), Real Estate (0.3%), and Social Impact (0.3%).

6. Across all industries, 5.8 % of accepted internships were in nonprofit organizations including ones that are reflected above in Healthcare, Investment Management, and Consulting.

* Asterisk indicates insufficient data or data not published to maintain student privacy.