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Interview Students

In just one system, employer can post roles, review application materials, invite students (and alternates) to interview, and easily view and share interview schedules with interviewing colleagues.

The Yale SOM CDO assists all organizations with interview planning: 
1. Employer Partnerships Managers advise on using the school calendar as a strategic device in the hiring process  
  • Your EPM will advise on navigating the calendar, accounting for the impacts of class schedules, offer deadlines, and recruiting efforts of other organizations and industries.

2. The Recruiting Coordination Team eases the burden of scheduling interviews around class times 
  • The team is well-versed and equipped at scheduling interviews to meet employer needs while avoiding class conflicts and more.  
3. The 12Twenty career management system is a one-stop clearinghouse for all interview needs 


Given that Yale SOM doesn't have a bidding system for on-campus interviews, we encourage all employers to identify alternatives. 

12Twenty FAQ

To host Yale SOM CDO coordinated interviews (OCI):
  • From Home page, click “+ Register” under “Register for OCI”

  • Fill out the required fields and click “Next”

  • Click “Yes” when the popup asks if you’d like to submit for approval now

To submit a job posting (for employer coordinated interviews): 
  • From Home page, click “+ Post” under “Post a Job”

  • Fill out the required fields and click “Submit”