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In episode 3, we speak with Lisa Berglund, Professor of Urban Planning at Dalhousie University to continue our exploration of community benefit agreements. This time, we take a closer look at CBAs in a specific context - Detroit. Detroit was the first U.S. city to have a CBA ordinance requiring CBAs for all development over a certain size. We learn how Detroit utilizes community benefit agreements along with other policies to support accountable economic growth and development. Professor Berglund shares insight from her close study of the case of Detroit and the urban governance design and processes undergirding this inaugural effort to mandate CBAs. Laura Brennan, MBA and Kate Cooney co-host.
Tune in!
Photo Credit: Photo 184268858 | Joe Louis Fist © Wirestock | Dreamstime.com
Show notes:
- Lisa Berglund’s faculty website here
- Dr. Berglund’s 2020 article, “Early Lessons from Detroit’s Community Benefits Ordinance”