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Geography of Race and Space

Geography of Race and Space

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Americans live in a landscape of race and space inherited from an earlier era. How do historical narratives about the places we call home shape our understanding of them? What is left out of those narratives? And how can new understandings spark movements that drive equitable economic development?

This week on the CitySCOPE Podcast, in episode 3, Naomi Shachter, Arianna Blanco and Kate Cooney talk to Kirsten Delegard and Kevin Ehrman-Solberg about the Mapping Prejudice Project in Minneapolis, the first project in the country to gather a comprehensive count of racially-restrictive housing covenants in a regional housing market. 

Kirsten Delegard, one of the co-founders of Mapping Prejudice, and her team at the John R. Borchert Map Library at the University of Minnesota, set out to unearth the complex past of their hometown not knowing how the story would end. They were soon joined by 3,000 volunteers in the region, who were inspired by public workshops about the project and joined the effort. 

Tune in to learn about what they found and to hear about what happened next! 

Photo credit: The Mapping Prejudice Project, the University of Minnesota Libraries