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CEO Testimonials

Congratulations on another great CEO Summit.  I believe it was one of the best.  As always, you did an extraordinary job of taking a very diverse and informed audience on a wide ranging tour addressing the critical issues of the day. From trade…to activism…to consumers…to technology, it was a rich and engaging discussion. For me, the day was both fun and informative.  I really enjoyed it. 

Thanks so much for inviting me.  I feel privileged to have been included.

- Nick Pinchuk, Chairman & CEO, Snap-On Incorporated

Wanted to join the chorus that expressed appreciation for the way you ran the CEO Summit on Tuesday. You were truly brilliant juggling topics and making all the prima donnas in the room feel included and loved. 

You are an amazing treasure. 

- Indra Nooyi, Chairman & CEO PepsiCo

Good morning Jeff. That is quite an impressive event you put on.  I’ve never been at anything quite like it. The content, the organization, your attention to detail, the humor you interject-Wow! I don’t know how you grasp so much about each individual and company and recall all the TV replays that make it so fast moving and enjoyable. 

Well done, very well done. I cannot imagine how this Summit could have been better . . .

- Stuart Weitzman, Founder & Designer, STUART WEITZMAN

Jeff.  Let me add to the chorus of accolades about the CEO Summit. It is the most unique of any such forum I have participated in. A very diverse set of attendees from many stations in life and society with many viewpoints. 

The formula only works because of the skill of the moderator. Thanks very much for having me. 

- Jim Clapper; Director of National Intelligence (2010-2017); Author, Facts and Fears

Jeff.  Wanted to thank you for including me yesterday in what was a fabulous event—one of the best I have ever participated in. Please consider me a regular. Congrats on the success.

- Scott Wapner; Anchor, Host, Halftime Report; CNBC

I enjoyed the Summit immensely and learned a lot.  

- Douglas H. Ginsburg; Senior Judge; DC Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals

Jeff, an excellent day filled with a lot of information and perspective about the NOKO Summit. Thank you for offering an opportunity to express some of my thoughts during the afternoon session.

- Ivan Seidenberg, Retired Chairman & CEO, Verizon Communications

Last night at the New York Public Library was yet another great success. A true credit to your special sauce and the wonderful organized event by your amazing staff. The fact that so many participants come back year after year is proof positive that the CEO Conference provides meaningful value for these CEOs to spend a very full day as your captive/participative audience. 

- Fred Frank, Chairman, Evolution Life Science Partners

Jeff, The CEO Summit was fabulous! Thanks for including me. 

- Joanne Lipman, former Editor-in-Chief, USA TODAY; Author, That’s What She Said

Jeff, if I didn’t say so, you did a great job yesterday. You always do, but this was special. The number of people was staggering

- Hank Greenberg, Chairman & CEO, CV Starr & Co.

You always do such a great job at these and I really enjoy participating

- Bob Diamond, Founder & CEO, Atlas Merchant Capital (former CEO Barclays)

I wanted to personally thank you. It was an absolute pleasure meeting you and participating in the stimulating discussions. You are a brilliant facilitator. 

- Bridget van Kralingen; Senior Vice President, Industry Platforms & Blockchain; IBM

It was indeed an honour yet again to get past the guards, to duck under the ropes, to hide from the cops, and to find my seat once more at your amazing meeting this week. I had great fun answering the questions given to me, and apparently I got a few laughs, too. If you’ll have me again in December, I promise I’ll be nice.

- Dennis Gartman, Editor/Publisher, The Gartman Letter

You had assembled as high-wattage a group as I have ever seen this side of Davos or Bill Gates's event, among the gatherings that do not outshine what you do multiple times a year. The foreign policy discussion in the morning was more valuable than weeks of reading the news coverage. In fact this morning I was marveling at what a dream team it was -- John Negroponte, Bob Hormats, James Clapper, all speaking candidly. One cannot get this anyplace else. I can't wait to be back in December.

- Geoff Colvin, Senior Editor-at-Large, Fortune

Summit was great – as always. Your intellectual and moral leadership in constructively shaping the dialogue on vitally important economic and business issues is a real service to our country.  You are a national treasure!! And these Summits make an enormous contribution to finding sound and balanced solutions to the many major challenges our society and the world face!! Keep up the great work!!

- Robert D. Hormats, U.S. Under Secretary of State (2009-2013)

Thank you for hosting the Yale Mayor’s College today and for directing such spirited and open dialogue on some of the most challenging and interesting issues cities are facing today. The intimate setting with the mayors and key industry leaders allowed us to dive into these topics together in a meaningful and constructive manner.  Verizon is proud to be able to host this event with Yale.

The dinner tonight was equally energizing with the panel of mayors and CEOs debating on some very difficult and often controversial topics. I think you touched on all the big ones! The interaction between government and industry leaders provided a fresh and diverse perspective which I felt was very insightful. 

- Mrinalini Ingram; Vice President, Smart Communities; Verizon Communications

I wanted to tell you two things. The first is my sincere appreciation for including me in the conferences in the way you did, and the attention you paid (and the airtime you gave me) about Deb's and my book.  I'm really grateful --- in particular for the chance to meet many of the mayors, but also for the other people I met at the dinner and the next day. Second, I wanted to reinforce the compliment I was hurriedly giving you at the morning session. You really are good at this! I have learned by watching you in action as ringmaster

- James Fallows, Senior Editor The Atlantic; Author, Our Towns

Jeffrey - just a quick note to say thank you for the invite to the CEO leadership event last week.  As you know it was my first one.  Not only was it informative, but the format was outstanding and engaging.  It’s rare that I take a day out of my routine to sit, listen, absorb, learn and share.  To do so with you, in that format with other leaders, was truly impactful. 

I look forward to participating in future events.  Thanks again. 

- Jeffrey Solomon, CEO, Cowan

Terrific Summit, well-structured and (unsurprisingly) exceptionally well-executed.

- Philip Lader, US Ambassador to the United Kingdom (1997-2001)


Thanks very much for including me in the Yale CEO Summit. I have been a businesswoman for almost 40 years now and I can tell you that this was one of the most informative and enjoyable experiences of my career. 

- Meredith Reuben, CEO, EBP Solutions

Huge success today Jeff! Thank you for including me

- Edward C. Forst, CEO, RealtyShares

I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the Summit today, and especially what an outstanding job you did. The collection of thinkers and doers is inspiring, and for me it’s especially a pleasure to be thinking and talking about issues beyond the narrow confines of my usual lawyer conversations. The whole thing is a breath of fresh air – and candidly only made possible by your incredible talent for bringing people together and creating a thought provoking conversation across a bewildering array of topics. 

- Courtland Reichman, Managing Principal, McKool Smith

I’m still thinking about that day. Jeff is masterful in his facilitation and teaching role. One of my best days yet this year from a learning perspective. I was honored to attend. 

- Elise Eberwein, Executive Vice President, American Airlines Group

I am not saying this to make you feel good or to be flattering. This was the most informative and enjoyable conference out of the over 30 I have attended. You were outstanding.

- Joel Babbitt, CEO, Narrative Content Group

I thought you did a fantastic job --- roaming from subject to subject. Mark Penn and I thought the turnout was really impressive --- a tribute to you. Thanks for including me. 

- Lally Graham Weymouth, Senior Associate Editor, The Washington Post

I’m consistently amazed about your ability to bring out the best in so many Type A personalities while maintaining your strong moral compass. It is difficult in my experience to assume the best of other leaders but still have the courage to call out those who fall short. I always learn something new at your sessions. Best regards

- Tom Glocer; Founder & Managing Partner, Angelic Ventures; former CEO, Thomson Reuters

Another outstanding conference, Jeff.  We need you to keep this open dialogue format and keep this conference strong and vibrant as you do. 

- Ivan G. Seidenberg, Retired Chairman & CEO, Verizon Communications

Many great insights.  Powerful interactions between attendees. Wonderful master of ceremonies. Thank you for including me. 

- George Hornig, Former Senior Managing Director, PineBridge Investments

The CEO Summit was a particularly robust set of conversations. I would not have missed it for anything in the world. Just great. 

- Sandy Climan, President, Entertainment Media Ventures

Jeff – Thanks again for inviting me to the summit this year.  It was outstanding, perhaps the most relevant and engaging I’ve attended in the past few years. You continue to build a tremendous following of highly respected CEOs, political leaders and scholars. Always a huge treat for me!

- Ron Stewart, President & CEO, PRGX USA

What a great event, stimulating from A to Z. Thank you for including me. 

- Charles Hirschler, Managing Member, CHMBR Partners

Jeff, thank you once again for graciously including me in the amazing event the CEO Summit is.  Getting to hear from global luminaries in an off-the-record setting is such a rare treat. I know none of us take it for granted. I sincerely appreciate you allowing me to be a part of it

- Andrew McConnell, CEO,

Great job once again on the CEO Summit and the Mayors College. Appreciate you including me, and the mayors were thrilled to be there. Some of the comments I received echoed past events and included the fact that you do a tremendous job orchestrating the conversation, the level of accomplishment and dialogue in the room was extraordinary, the mayors just don't get to engage like this anywhere else, and everyone walked away better equipped to govern and lead. Congratulations.

- RJ Berry, Mayor of Albuquerque NM (2009-2017)

Now that I am home and inundating my team at the city with all the good ideas I picked up this week, I just wanted to thank you for including me in the Yale Mayors College and Yale CEO Summit. The two were different in their subject matter but both were incredibly helpful for me in different ways. 

Having attended many a conference, it was obvious to me how much work you and your team put in to making these events valuable for the attendees. Again, thank you! 

- GT Bynum, Mayor, Tulsa OK