[WEBINAR] Creating Real Value in a Changing World
Tuesday, Jan 12 2021 at 12:00 - 1:00 pm EST
Dynamic forces are conspiring to clarify the new rules of real value creation–and to put the old rules to rest. Internet-powered transparency, more powerful worker voice, the decline in importance of capital, and the complexity of global supply chains in the face of planetary limits all define the new landscape. As executive director of the Aspen Institute Business and Society Program, Judy Samuelson ‘82 has a unique vantage point from which to engage business decision makers and identify the forces that are moving the needle in both boardrooms and business classrooms. Join Judy for an interactive discussion about her new book The Six New Rules of Business and learn how businesses are changing today—and what is needed to succeed in tomorrow’s economic and social landscape.
When: January 12, 12-1pm ET
Register: https://yale.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fZP8JylTSsOzss0z37NsnQ