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YPFS Call for Papers and Proposals

Thursday, Jul 16 2020 at 9:00 am - 5:00 pm EDT

Please note this event has been canceled due to COVID-19.

The Yale Program on Financial Stability (YPFS) is holding its 7th annual conference on Thursday, July 16, 2020 (please note change of date) on the campus of Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. The conference is on the theme of “fighting a financial crisis”. This is not a standard academic conference. In addition to “typical” academic papers destined for scholarly journals, we are also looking for presentations built on practical topics in crisis fighting. We especially encourage submissions from central banks and other institutions that have a financial-stability mandate. Specific topics of interest include:

    Emergency lending facilities
•    Guarantees
•    Capital purchases/injections in troubled institutions, good-bank/bad-bank structures
•    Orderly liquidation/resolution
•    Cross-border issues in crisis fighting
•    The organizational design of financial stability functions
•    Design and/or results of crisis simulations

We are soliciting two types of submissions:
1)    Standard academic papers, on any of the above-listed topics, or
2)    Proposals for panel discussions or group presentations on those topics, where the discussion would cover the lessons learned or detailed implementation plans for crisis interventions. These proposals should be 2-3 pages long and summarize the key points of the presentation. For panel discussions, the proposal should list panelist names and the key questions to be addressed.

Full submission for the conference: March 1, 2020

Conference Organizer:
Andrew Metrick, Janet L. Yellen Professor of Finance and Management, YPFS Program Director