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Sign-up for Yale SOM Boston Women's Circles

Monday, Nov 18 2019 at 12:00 pm - Friday, Dec 20 2019 at 11:55 pm EST

Alumni Relations is thrilled to officially announce Yale SOM Boston Women’s Circles which are intended to provide SOM alumnae a space for personal development and to create a support network for connecting, reflecting, and inspiring one another. Meeting Logistics Women’s Circles meet six times over a 3-6 month period either at the home or office space of a co-leader or participant and will begin in February 2020. Meetings may be at the same location throughout the year or be rotated among members as they choose. Meeting locations, days of the week, and meeting times are determined by preferences of the women who join a Circle. Commitment Commitment is essential to developing deep trust and understanding of one another. The expectation is that by joining, you also commit to attending each meeting (barring emergencies and unavoidable travel) for the upcoming six meetings. Commit to bringing your whole self and full attention to meetings: participate, engage and contribute. Lastly, but most importantly, commit to full confidentiality about discussions at Circle meetings. Membership Membership in each Circle is carefully crafted by Yale SOM staff and Circle leadership to promote diversity across generations, industries, family status, children, and more. Diversity expands the scope of wisdom and life experience members share. Placements in Circles also consider women’s and Circles’ scheduling and geographic preferences, among other variables identified through the registration survey. At or before a Circle’s first meeting, members of a Circle consult with each other on meeting place(s) and time(s). Sign-up to Join a Women's Circle To join a Women's Circle please complete this brief survey no later than 11:55pm on Friday, December 20th to let us know more about your interest in participating, what time commitment you can make to the Circle, and whether you might be interested in serving as a Women's Circle co-leader.