Yale Alumni Real Estate Association – San Francisco Chapter Networking Mixer
Thursday, Oct 27 2016 at 9:00 - 11:00 pm EDT
30th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94104
United States
Message from the hosts:
Greetings Yale Alumni,
The Yale Alumni Real Estate Association – San Francisco Chapter is forming and your input and leadership are needed.
To kick-off the SF Chapter, there will be an informal Networking Mixer on October 27th to present the chapter and discuss preliminary activities and events. We will also recap the upcoming Yale AREA National Conference.
The mixer will be held on the 30th Floor of a premier downtown SF office building. Special Thanks to Coblentz Patch Duffy and Bass LLP for graciously providing a central location and top-notch view of SF.
Please see details below…we hope that you can join us!
When: Thursday, October 27nd, 6:00–8:00pm Where: One Montgomery Street, 30th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104 (Offices of Coblentz Patch Duffy and Bass LLP) Cost: $20 (Alums); Free (Recent Grads – 2012-2016); Light Refreshments Please RSVP in advance of the event
For more information or if you are not able to attend the mixer, but would like to get involved, please contact:
- Hedi Katz, SOM '93 at katzhed@gmail.com
- Jelani Dotson, SOM'08 at jelanidotsonaya@hotmail.com
- Gregg Miller, Yale College ’92 at jgmillerjr@hotmail.com
- Nikhil Gera, SOM ’98 at nikhil@gera.in
Note: Restricted Lobby Access, Pre-registration required. Public transportation recommended…Public Parking is available as follows:
- Sutter-Stockton Garage
- White House Garage
- 223 Sutter Street
- 550 Kearny Parking Garage