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Boston Chapter Open Board Meeting

Monday, May 11 2015 at 10:00 - 11:30 pm EDT

The SOM Alumni Association Boston Chapter meets bi-monthly on the second Monday evening, and all Boston-area SOM alumni are welcome to attend these open meetings in person or via conference call. Specific location information and call-in numbers provided to those who RSVP. Your participation will help plan and present events of interest to all local SOM alumni. Please join us and contribute your ideas, suggestions and energies to keep the Yale SOM alumni community in Boston thriving. The May meeting will begin planning summer events for new graduates and summer interns working in the greater Boston area plus one of our annual seasonal events for the fall. Join us and lend a hand to welcome SOMers to Boston. Please RSVP to Tom Meyer ( or Ryck Lent ( if you would like to attend, and we'll email the current agenda, the in-person location and the dial-in conference call information. Date: Monday, May 11 Time: 6:00PM - 7:30PM Location: Specific agenda, meeting location and conference call log-in information will be shared with alumni who RSVP in advance of the meeting. Locations are in or near downtown Boston RSVP: Email Tom Meyer ( or Ryck Lent (

Additional Information

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  • Location
