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New York Chapter Planning Meeting

Wednesday, May 29 2013 at 10:30 pm - Thursday, May 30 2013 at 12:30 am EDT

You are invited to attend a strategic planning meeting for the NY chapter which will be held on Wednesday, May 29th at 6:30pm at Jorge Maldonado's Yale SOM '92 office at 280 Park Avenue, 29th floor, West Building, between 48th & 49th streets. Dinner and beverages will be provided. Chris Galvin, Director of Alumni Relations and Cindy Charlesworth, Assistant Director for Reunions and Regions from Yale SOM will also be attending. The proposed agenda is below but we would love your feedback regarding other topics that you would like covered. Registration is limited so if you would like to participate in the meeting please register at: Thank you and best regards, Pam Farr '78 and Rob Danzig '93 Co-Chairs, NY Chapter, Yale SOM Alumni Association . PROPOSED AGENDA Welcome, Introductions & Goals – Rob/Pam (10 mins) Chapter Structure / Succession – Rob/Pam (20 mins) Discussion of Goals for SOM in NY - All (10 mins) Event Recap & Evaluation in NY and other Chapters – Cindy/Chris (15 mins) Brainstorming Future Events – Rob/Pam (45 mins) Next Steps - All (10 mins)

Additional Information

  • Contact

    Cindy Charlesworth
  • Location

    280 Park Avenue, 29th Floor New York, New York USA