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Yale Int'l Security Studies Faculty Presentation

Friday, May 6 2011 at 10:00 pm - Saturday, May 7 2011 at 12:00 am EDT

On Friday May 6 Dr. Minh A. Luong, Assistant Director of International Security Studies at Yale, will speak to members and guests of the Yale Association of Western Washington on Black Markets and the Illicit Economy: A Growing Threat. Black markets and the illicit economy is an emerging global security issue that has been overshadowed by the Iraq War and global financial meltdown. Trafficking in human beings, small arms, drugs and counterfeit goods, as well as the rise of transnational organized criminal organizations, present unique political, economic, military and law enforcement challenges to the international community. This briefing will present an overview of these growing international problems and discuss potential policy solutions for the United States and the international community. Another of Professor Luong's areas of expertise is modern China. Last year, Professor Luong spoke to our Association about the challenges that China's leaders are facing and how their decisions will help determine whether China becomes a global superpower or a failed state. That event was very well received, and we are fortunate to be able to hear from Professor Luong again. This event will be held in downtown Seattle at 1201 Third Avenue, 48th floor; this is the Perkins Coie law office. The evening will begin at 6:00 p.m. with a reception, which will be followed by Professor Luong's talk. The cost of the event is $20 per person for members of the Association and $30 per person for non-members. Space is limited, and advance payment is required. Please register by Friday, April 29. Checks should be payable to "Yale Association of Western Washington" and be mailed to Y.A.W.W. c/o Darren Carnell; P.O. Box 95704; Seattle, WA 98145

Additional Information

  • Contact

    Yale Association of Western Washington
  • Location

    1201 Third Avenue Seattle, Washington USA