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ICF News

Chen Wang
December 11, 2018 International Center for Finance Blog

My Experience Presenting at an Academic Conference

The ICF supports PhD students by hosting PhD student conferences, purchasing data, & covering travel to present their work at conferences.

Martijn de Vries
December 10, 2018 International Center for Finance Blog

My Time at Yale SOM as a Visiting Assistant Researcher (VAR)

December 10, 2018 International Center for Finance Blog

What I Learned From Organizing a Finance PhD Student Conference

The ICF hosted the inaugural Yale Doctoral Fall Finance Conference on November 9, 2018. PhD Candidate Kaushik Vasudevan organized the successful event which brought PhD students from across the U.S.

December 05, 2018 International Center for Finance News

SOM Finance Faculty in the News: December 2018

Bob Davis
December 04, 2018 International Center for Finance Blog

The Do's and Don'ts of Mergers and Acquisitions

Whitebox Advisors
December 04, 2018 International Center for Finance Blog

2019 Whitebox Advisors Graduate Students Named

Five Yale SOM students have been selected by faculty members involved with the Behavioral Finance Initiative and awarded a Whitebox Advisors Doctoral Fellowship for the 2018-2019 academic year.

Huijun and Gen
November 30, 2018 International Center for Finance Blog

Paolo Zannoni Research Associates Hard at Work

Douglas Lawrence
November 29, 2018 International Center for Finance Blog

Guest Speakers Bring Cases to Life

Magnus Resch
November 29, 2018 International Center for Finance Blog

An Entrepreneurial Way to Collect Art Market Data

November 20, 2018 International Center for Finance Blog

YAREA Conference 2018: Influential Trends in Investing & Design

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