Future of Global Finance Interview Series
Yale SOM Professor and Dean Emeritus, Jeffrey E. Garten , began a project in 2014 titled, “ The Future of the Global Financial System .” He began with a live panel of distinguished speakers and grew the project into a series of interviews with a number of people from various sectors who are considered to be highly influential in shaping the global finance for the next decade and beyond.
The interviews asked people to look ahead a decade and ask the question, “What kind of financial system should be evolving in light of today’s dynamic trends?” The project website houses these invaluable interviews as well as further research and references about the future of global finance.
Click here to view the entire series of interviews, including a few of the newly posted videos.
The ICF will be highlighting interviews from the series on Twitter using the hashtag: #ICF_FoGFInterviews . Below are two videos that we have recently featured.
[WATCH] Professor Garten interviewed Richard Berner in 2013 while he was the Director of the Office of Financial Research for the Future of Global Finance interview series.
[WATCH] Richard Berner was recently interviewed again this past August for the same project. He reflected on his past interview and has added new insights about the future of global finance.