Old New York Stock Exchange 1815 - 1925

The NYSE History Research Project is an on-going research effort by the International Center of Finance to collect price and dividend information on NYSE stocks from the beginning of the exchange to the present, for analysis of long-term trends and performance. The paper "A new historical database for the NYSE 1815 to 1925: Performance and predictability," can be downloaded from the site of the Journal of Financial Markets. A working paper version of it is also from SSRN. The data and the indices we created with it may be downloaded from this site.
Government Security Prices and Loans
Final Data
The Final data files were compiled based on the raw data files by:
- Taking the average of the bid and offer price
- Taking the average of previous and next prices when a newspaper was missing or there was no price listed
Government Security Prices 1843 - 1860 [.xls]
Description of Loans for Security Prices Listed for the years 1843 - 1860 [.doc]
Any use of this data should cite: Data made available through the International Center for Finance at Yale University.
NYSE Annual Dividend file from 1825 to 1870
NYSE Monthly Price from 1815 to 1925
NYSE monthly prices (revised 2021) [.xls]
Revision note 2021 [.pdf]
NYSE monthly prices (revised 2020) [.xls]
Revision note 2020 [.pdf]
NYSE Security Names
Download new data [.xls]
Download old data [.txt]
NYSE Annual Series
Annual Series (ver. 2015) [.xls]
NYSE Monthly Index
Index series (revised 2020) [.xls]