ICF Fellows are constantly producing new and exciting research in the field of financial economics covering a wide range of asset pricing and corporate finance topics including asset management, hedge funds, real estate, pension plans, corporate governance, mutual funds, derivatives, and much more.

Future of Global Finance
What kind of financial system should be evolving in light of today’s dynamic trends? Are the existing institutions and arrangements flexible and capable of doing what is vitally required? How should future leaders for the global financial system be educated and trained? The interviews on this web site are designed to address these kinds of issues.
Project Overview
Distinguished Panel Discussion
Research & References
Upcoming Interviews and Events

Conferences and Seminars
The International Center for Finance hosts various seminars, conferences, and events throughout the year.
Upcoming Events
Annual & Previous Conferences
Finance Seminars

Behavioral Research
A leading center for research in behavioral decision-making, behavioral economics, and behavioral finance, the ICF's efforts in these fields have been helped immeasurably by the generous support of Andrew Redleaf of Whitebox Advisors.
Yale Summer School in Behavioral Finance
Lynne & Andrew Redleaf Foundation Student Fellows & Conference
Behavioral Research Projects

Student Initiatives
The empirical, interdisciplinary focus of Yale SOM encourages MBAs to bring a broad, cross-disciplinary mindset to financial decision-making. The ICF plays a major role in supporting the training of MBAs and doctoral students who have focused on issues important to society.

Historical Securities Collection
The ICF Collection of Historical Securities is a collaborative project between ICF and Yale's Beinecke Library. These securities represent important innovations in the history of capital markets.