ICF Postdoctoral Fellow: Scott C. Miller
We are excited to welcome Scott C. Miller to the ICF group as our postdoctoral fellow for the 2019-2020 academic year! Scott will be working on a number of projects including revamping our Origins of Value virtual museum website and organizing a financial history seminar series.
More about Scott C. Miller: Scott C. Miller is the International Center for Finance postdoctoral fellow in Economic and Business History at the Yale School of Management. He earned his Ph.D from the University of Virginia in 2018, specializing in the transformation of the American economy after independence from Great Britain. Scott’s work explores the re-creation of commercial networks, domestic markets, trade systems, and business practices in the midst of post-Revolutionary economic, political, and social turmoil. His recent publications include ““Never Did I See So Universal a Frenzy”: The Panic of 1791 and the Republicanization of Philadelphia” in the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography and numerous case studies and articles on financial crisis and their political ramifications with Darden Business Publishing.
Email: scott.c.miller@yale.edu