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Call for Papers: Whitebox Advisors Graduate Student Conference

The Annual Whitebox Advisors Graduate Student Conference draws top doctoral students from around the world to present their research in the fields of Behavioral Economics, Behavioral Finance and Behavioral Marketing.  The goal of the conference is to foster an environment to promote interaction amongst doctoral student researchers, and to provide feedback for students presenting their work in these fields.

The research efforts in these fields have been helped immeasurably by the generous support of Andrew Redleaf of Whitebox Advisors.

Student Presenter

We are now accepting submissions to the 16th annual Whitebox Advisors Graduate Student Conference to be held on Thursday, May 7, 2020 in New Haven, CT at the Yale School of Management.

Graduate students may submit papers in the areas of behavioral economics, behavioral finance and behavioral marketing (specifically within the domains of consumer behavior and behavioral decision theory).  Read the Call for Papers below for detailed submission criteria:

Click here for the CALL FOR PAPERS

Submission Deadline: Friday, March 6th
Acceptance and rejection emails will be sent out no later than Monday, March 30th.

Questions? Email:

Please check back at a later date for the conference agenda and registration information.