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Future of Global Finance

In January 2014, the Yale School of Management inaugurated a new campus. In honor of the occasion, we began a project called “The Future of the Global Financial System.” It began with a live panel at Yale on January 10, 2014, led by Paul Volcker, former chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve System, and it continues now with a series of interviews of men and women who are highly influential in shaping global finance for the next decade and beyond. We will continue to develop this site with a broader range of interviews, more special events, and an archive of important books, article and reports.  

What kind of financial system should be evolving in light of today’s dynamic trends? Are the existing institutions and arrangements flexible and capable of doing what is vitally required? How should future leaders for the global financial system be educated and trained? The interviews on this web site are designed to address these kinds of issues.

Project Overview
Interviews & Categories

Browse our collection of books, articles, reports and important websites.

Distinguished Panel Discussion

Watch Roger Altman, Sheila Bair, Gary Gensler, Robert Rubin, Paul Volcker and Robert Zoellick discuss The Future of the Global Financial System.

Research & References

Browse our gallery of video interviews in alphabetical order or sort by category.