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ICF News

February 07, 2019 International Center for Finance News

SOM Finance Faculty in the News: February 2019

February 04, 2019 International Center for Finance Blog

Call for Papers: Whitebox Advisors Graduate Student Conference 2019

A group of students is seated in a modern classroom, working intently on their laptops and taking notes. They are positioned at individual desks that form a semi-circle, allowing them to face the center where a professor stands, gesturing as he leads the lecture. The atmosphere is focused yet relaxed, with large windows providing ample natural light. The classroom is equipped with digital screens and presentation equipment, emphasizing a high-tech learning environment.
January 28, 2019 International Center for Finance Blog

Now Accepting Applications! Yale Summer School in Behavioral Finance 2019

January 07, 2019 International Center for Finance News

SOM Finance Faculty in the News: January 2019

December 20, 2018 International Center for Finance Blog

Finance Faculty Case Studies Made the Top 40 Most Popular List of 2018

Roger Ibbotson
December 19, 2018 International Center for Finance Blog

Popularity: A Bridge between Classical and Behavioral Finance

Chen Wang
December 11, 2018 International Center for Finance Blog

My Experience Presenting at an Academic Conference

The ICF supports PhD students by hosting PhD student conferences, purchasing data, & covering travel to present their work at conferences.

Martijn de Vries
December 10, 2018 International Center for Finance Blog

My Time at Yale SOM as a Visiting Assistant Researcher (VAR)

December 10, 2018 International Center for Finance Blog

What I Learned From Organizing a Finance PhD Student Conference

The ICF hosted the inaugural Yale Doctoral Fall Finance Conference on November 9, 2018. PhD Candidate Kaushik Vasudevan organized the successful event which brought PhD students from across the U.S.

December 05, 2018 International Center for Finance News

SOM Finance Faculty in the News: December 2018

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