Yale ICF Welcomes Two New Faculty to the Finance Group
The International Center for Finance joins the Yale School of Management in welcoming two new assistant professors of finance to the Yale SOM finance group this year! Welcome Christopher Clayton and Cameron LaPoint! Read more about the new finance faculty and their research interests below:
Christopher Clayton
Christopher Clayton’s research interests include banking, financial regulation, and monetary policy. His current work includes studying the design of financial regulation in domestic and international contexts. He received a PhD in Economics from Harvard University, and a BA in Economics and Mathematics from the University of Chicago. Visit Christopher’s faculty profile for more information.
Cameron LaPoint
Cameron LaPoint’s research explores topics at the intersection of corporate finance, real estate, and empirical macroeconomics. His recent work shows how the spatial dimensions of corporate borrowing and investment can amplify asset price cycles. Cameron also studies the effects of property and transfer taxes on real estate and private-value asset markets using large administrative datasets. He earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Rochester, and a PhD in economics from Columbia University. Visit Cameron’s faculty profile for more information.