Paolo Zannoni Research Associates Hard at Work
Through a generous donation made by ICF Advisory Board member Paolo Zannoni, the ICF has been able to hire two full-time Paolo Zannoni Research Associates for two-year terms to assist finance faculty with their research needs. Huijun Sun is our first Paolo Zannoni Research Associate and has been with the ICF since January 2018. Gen Li is our second Paolo Zannoni Research Associate and has been with the ICF since June 2018. Both RA’s have been very busy working on different projects with both our senior and junior finance faculty members such as Stefano Giglio, William Goetzmann, Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, Song Ma, Kelly Shue, Heather Tookes, and Alexander Zentefis.
Huijun Sun is currently assisting faculty with their research studies in behavioral finance, asset pricing, real estate economics, and corporate finance. In one study, she analyzed UCC filings and firm demographic data to help faculty document and investigate that young firms deploy older capital, whereas old firms are the predominant investors in new capital. In another project, she explored data and academic literature to help with studying the non-proportional thinking of investors meaning that investors think in dollar change of price rather than percentage change of price. And lastly in another empirical asset pricing study, she helped with quantifying the empirical trade-off between risks and benefits of constraining index funds from common ownership.
Gen Li also assists our finance faculty with empirical analysis in different research areas such as asset pricing, banking and labor economics. He is currently working on three projects. Gen’s first project is related to the banking industry which addresses the issue of imperfect competition. He works with various datasets to help faculty empirically explore the relation between bank equity and competition. In Gen’s second project, he is assisting with the data collection and analysis of another project exploring the factors that could potentially affect the academic trajectory of female faculty in finance. The third project that he is involved with studies the statistical and industrial characteristics of the firms that were taken private.