Goetzmann & ICF Real Estate Case Study Development Project
Professor William Goetzmann taught a special course this past fall titled, MGT 849 Cases in Commercial Real Estate. With support from the International Center for Finance, Professor Goetzmann worked with 19 SOM students who consisted of first and second year MBA students, EMBA students, and foreign exchange students on a unique and innovative case writing project. The students were tasked with developing nine brand new real estate case studies over the fall semester that Professor Goetzmann would use in his real estate class that same fall. The students first began in September by working on GoogleDocs so that they could collaborate virtually with team members as they conducted their initial research since teams were made up of both MBA and EMBA students. The students met weekly throughout the fall semester in person or by phone with Professor Goetzmann and case writers Jaan Elias and Jean Rosenthal to report on their progress, receive feedback on their work, and to seek guidance to meet their project deadlines. From there, the case writers formatted the students’ work into a case study to be used in class.
The ICF and Professor Goetzmann would like to thank all of the students for their excellent work and help in creating their case studies. The ICF and Professor Goetzmann would also like to thank and recognize the following people for guiding the students through this project, providing them with their time and the resources to produce the case studies, and/or speaking to the MGT849 class about the case studies:
Jaan Elias, Director, Case Study Research and Development, Yale School of Management
Jean Rosenthal, Project Editor, Case Study Research and Development, Yale School of Management
Paolo Zannoni, ICF Advisory Board Member
Valentina Zanatta, Edizione Property
Bridgette Farrer, Common
Simon Jawitz, Common
Below is the list of the nine brand new cases created and used by this group of students in MGT849 this past fall semester. You can log in to view them by using your Yale NetID and password.
- Hudson Yards - http://vol11.cases.som.yale.edu/hudson-yards
- Graybar Building: Prequel from the Jazz Age - http://vol11.cases.som.yale.edu/graybar-building
- Kevi Capital: Starting an African Infrastructure Fund - http://vol11.cases.som.yale.edu/kevi-capital
- Blackstone Rental Securitization - http://vol11.cases.som.yale.edu/blackstone-rental-securitization
- Fondaco dei Tedeschi: A New Luxury Mall in Venice - http://vol11.cases.som.yale.edu/fondaco-dei-tedeschi
- The Decline of Malls - http://vol11.cases.som.yale.edu/decline-malls
- Zhong An: Is China ready for home equity insurance? - http://vol11.cases.som.yale.edu/zhong
- Forest City - http://vol11.cases.som.yale.edu/forest-city
- Common: A Model for Co-Living - http://vol11.cases.som.yale.edu/common
Two students write about their experiences working on the real estate case study development project:
Student Venture Becomes Live Case Study: Kodjo Adovor ’18 led the development of a case on Kevi Capital, his infrastructure fund focused on sub-Saharan Africa.
A Unique Team Project: Building a Case Study: Edoardo Pasinato ’18 details working on a case study about the repurposing of an historical landmark, the Fondaco dei Tedeschi: A New Luxury Mall in Venice.