Finance Faculty in the News: October 2023
William B. English
- “5% Treasury Yields Likely Bother Markets More Than the Fed,” Bloomberg
- “Federal Reserve losses contribute to federal deficit,” Marketplace
- “Yale endowment grows 1.8 percent,” Yale Daily News
- “What do these high Treasury yields mean for the economy?” Marketplace
- “¿Pueden las finanzas salvar a los lobos?”
- “What's in store for Lululemon as it joins the S&P 500,” Marketplace
Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham
- “Republicans urge the ignorant to ‘just say no’ to science,” Chicago Sun-Times
Roger Ibbotson
- “¡Compre acciones de empresas poco conocidas!” La Vanguardia
- “¿Cómo afecta la recesión a la inversión en Small Caps? Roger Ibbotson,” Negocios TV
Song Ma
- “Private equity investor talks China at SOM,” Yale Daily News
Andrew Metrick
- “Valuation Approaches: Investment Treaty Arbitrations,” Global Arbitration Review
Robert Shiller
- “Are Stocks a Better Buy or Bonds With Treasuries at 5%?” Bloomberg
- “The unappeasable market,” Financial Times
- “Your ‘Set It and Forget It’ 401(k) Made You Rich. No More.” Wall Street Journal
- “The World in Economic Depression: A Marxist Analysis of Crisis,” The Tricontinental
- “Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller Sees ‘Good Chance’ of a US Recession,” Bloomberg
- "No podemos hacerlo solos": los ucranianos reaccionan a la falta de financiación adicional en el proyecto de ley de gastos de EE.UU.” Yahoo! Noticias
- “Wie Medien die Finanzmärkte beeinflussen können,” Wiwo
Kelly Shue
- “Ρυπογόνες Επιχειρήσεις και Ποιότητα του Κλίματος,” Χανιώτικα Νέα
- “Investimento sustentável e os desafios para um debate produtivo em temas ESG,” Valor Econômico
Alexander Zentefis
- “Why banks are closing in record numbers across S.F.” San Francisco Chronicle