Registration Open! Yale Impact Investing Conference 2019
Registration is now open for the Yale Impact Investing Conference 2019 held on Friday, April 5, 2019 at the Yale School of Management.
The second annual Yale Impact Investing Conference will be an exploration of the transformative power of capital to change the world’s trajectory through investments that value healthy people and healthy environments across multiple metrics. These goals can only be reached by bringing best practices in impact investing to scale. Although there is growing demand for ethical investment products, there are major challenges that prevent investors from moving from billions of dollars under investment in impact funds to trillions. The conference will bring together investors, academics and philanthropists to discuss metrics for impact, and the newest ideas to generate market-level returns through impact investments.
Topics will include: Is impact investing simply a trend, or can impact investments earn market-level returns? Which of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals are the most investable? How do investors measure impact and standardize metrics to avoid greenwashing? This platform is intended to encourage divergent opinions through debate of cutting-edge research and practices, and uncover the underlying issues preventing more widespread adoption of socially-responsible investments as a primary driver of institutional capital and transformative change.
Visit the conference website for more information about the agenda, speakers, and registration.
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