Prof. Song Ma Makes List of Best 40-Under-40 Business School Professors

Congratulations Professor Song Ma for being recognized as one of Poets & Quants Best 40-Under-40 Business School Professors of 2021! Professor Ma received many nominations for this honor from faculty, students, and administrators as a standout professor.
Professor Ma is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Yale School of Management and his main research interests are corporate finance, entrepreneurial finance (like venture capital), and innovation economics. One of Ma’s most noteworthy research papers to date, “Killer Acquisitions,” explains the process of a larger company acquiring smaller, innovative companies to stifle their competition. It has been widely cited in Congressional antitrust reports and antitrust lawsuits against big tech companies and it has been incorporated into MBA and Ph.D. courses around the world!
The Yale ICF is excited for Professor Ma’s bright future and we look forward to seeing what he accomplishes next!