The CEO College is a unique program created at the request of, and with the participation of, some of the world’s top CEOs and leadership scholars. With this combined knowledge and experience, Yale developed a program that offers select corporate officers a learning experience that is short, intensive, and hands-on.
The CEO College is a highly customized program for a select group of 15-20 corporate officers, and is designed for executives reporting to the CEO or top management team. The program is by invitation only and focuses on senior executives who have significant line or functional responsibilities. The CEO College is meant for an active learner, and many of our participants have an MBA; all have equivalent experience.
With its roundtable and CEO Summit components, the CEO College is smaller, more selective, less time-consuming, and more tailored to individual executives than any other executive program in the country.
CEO College features
- Small group of next-generation executive committee members
- Concise, customized curriculum
- Internationally renowned leadership scholars from the faculties of Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Dartmouth, Chicago, INSEAD, London Business School, Stanford, Emory, and others
- Expert leadership style feedback with on-site personal coaching
- Applied learning with immediate, measurable value

Recent CEO Colleges
View recent programs:
Yale CEO College
The NEW New World Order: Is It Safe to Make Plans?
The Roosevelt Hotel New York | December 12, 2018
Yale CEO College
Tech Triumph or Bloated Bubble: Innovation, Investors & Industrial Transformation
The Roosevelt Hotel New York | December 13, 2017
Yale CEO College
Delight & Despair over Disruption Part II: The Post-Election Story
Waldorf Astoria New York | December 14, 2016
Yale CEO College
In Whom Do We Trust: Optimist Visionaries or Cynical Pragmatists?
Waldorf Astoria New York | December 16, 2015
Yale CEO College
The Global CEO and Local Sensitivities: Leading at Once as Diplomat, Patriot, Entrepreneur, Financier, and Industrialist
Waldorf Astoria New York | December 17, 2014
Yale CEO College
The Entrepreneurial Spirit and Global Rules of Engagement: Fairness and Freedom in Taxes and Tariffs
Waldorf Astoria, New York | December 18, 2013
Yale CEO College
Can CEOs Be Superheroes: Do We Expect too Much from the Boss?
New York Stock Exchange | June 4, 2013
Yale CEO College
What Just Happened? The Impact and Opportunities of Global Government Changes
Waldorf Astoria, New York | December 12, 2012
Yale CEO College
Staying Ahead of Economic Currents: Building an Enterprise for the Future Despite Present Day Uncertainties
New York Stock Exchange | June 5, 2012
Yale CEO College
Rethinking Global Markets: Leading Businesses across Divergent National Economies
Waldorf Astoria, Manhattan | December 14, 2011
Yale CEO College
Settling Old Debts, While Taking on New Risks
New York Stock Exchange | June 7, 2011
Yale CEO College
Courageous Calls vs. Reckless Risk: Leading through the Unknowable & Triumphing the Unknown
Waldorf Astoria, New York | December 15, 2010
Yale CEO College
The Truths and Myths of the Evolving “Post-American World”: Getting Our House in Order
New York Stock Exchange | June 8, 2010
Yale CEO College
Ensuring Happy Days Are Here Again: Finding Prosperity in Hard Time
New York Stock Exchange | June 8, 2009