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Prof. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and Yale CELI Release Research Study On The Investment Challenges Facing Connecticut's Pension Funds

Prof. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and his Yale CELI researchers show how Connecticut's public pension funds have one of the worst investment track records of any state in the nation with long-term, chronic investment underperformance. 

A new, comparative 50-state analysis from Prof. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and his research team at the Yale Chief Executive Leadership Institute demonstrates how Connecticut is one of the worst states in the nation when it comes to public pension investment performance. The state's chronic, severe underperformance has cost the state billions - if Connecticut had even median investment performance, it would have made an extra $10 billion over the last decade. 

See the full 113-page study here:

See Prof. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld's column in the Hearst Connecticut papers here:

See Prof. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld discuss this research with Brian Shactman here: