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Yale Summer School in Behavioral Science

Monday, Jun 13 2022 at 9:00 am - Friday, Jun 17 2022 at 5:00 pm EDT

Education | In-Person

Yale School of Management - Evans Hall
165 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, CT 06520
United States

Upcoming Event:

Yale Summer School in Behavioral Finance

June 13 – June 17, 2022
Yale University, New Haven, CT
Organizer: Nicholas Barberis

We invite applications for the 2022 Yale Summer School in Behavioral Finance. This one-week program, now in its seventh iteration, is an intensive PhD course in behavioral finance taught by leading researchers in the field. The program will be of interest to students at schools that do not currently offer a PhD course in behavioral finance; but also to students who have already taken a course in this material but who would like to
see it again from a different perspective and to interact with other students with similar interests.

To apply, you must be enrolled in a PhD program in economics or finance. To be selected, it is not necessary that behavioral finance be your main research focus. We are simply looking for students who are doing very well in their PhD programs, regardless of their particular research interests, and who would like to learn more about this area of finance.

Accommodation costs and reasonable transportation costs to and from New Haven will be covered by Yale University.

To apply, please e-mail the following to Electra Ferriello at (i) a cover letter detailing your background and research focus and explaining why you are interested in the program; (ii) a curriculum vitae; and (iii) the names and contact information of two faculty members who could act as references, if necessary.

The application deadline has passed. We will notify candidates about their participation in April.

Note: We are planning the summer school as an in-person event, with the usual caveat that this is conditional on the public health situation this summer. If, as we intend and expect, the event is held in person, participants will naturally be required to adhere to the Yale policies on visitors and gatherings that will be in place at the time.

Learn more about the Yale Summer School in Behavioral Finance.