A Tour Through Financial History
Several ICF Advisory Board members participated in a tour through financial history on May 11, 2017 led by Professors William Goetzmann and Geert Rouwenhorst.
The ICF Advisory Board members traveled to the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library to view pieces of the ICF Financial History Collection and later visited the Babylonian Collection at Sterling Memorial Library.
Some of the highlights of the day included:
- A keynote speech by Geert Rouwenhorst, Robert B. and Candice J. Haas Professor of Corporate Finance & Deputy Director of the International Center for Finance on the topic of long term returns and financial contracts
- A signed letter by Alexander Hamilton consolidating the debt of the United States
- A perpetual bond issued by the Dutch East India Company
- A collection of company charters, prospectuses, pamphlets and regulations relating to the Dutch speculative mania of 1720
- An accounting book related to the collapse of the South Sea Company
- An early Ming Dynasty Bank Note
- A Roman loan of 440 drachmas from 69CE
- Ancient cuneiform
See photos below from the trip!