The COVID-19 Financial Response Tracker (CFRT) follows economic interventions by central banks, fiscal authorities, and international organizations aimed at combating the negative effects of the coronavirus pandemic and restoring financial stability. The tracker will also highlight significant proposals from government representatives and institutions. Each tracker entry will provide summary information and link to relevant press releases or articles about the intervention. The COVID-19 Financial Response Tracker Visualization (CFRTV) graphically depicts the CFRT’s entries according to country and type of intervention. The intent of the Tracker and Visualization platform is to inform citizens, policymakers, and government officials about state actions against COVID-19.
Please note: the Tracker and Visualization are not meant to be comprehensive but we aim to track as many interventions as possible across the globe.
This file contains the current and more detailed version of the CFRT tracker. It has been quality checked from September 1st 2020 onwards. It was last updated on November 8th, 2021.
View Current YPFS COVID-19 Financial Response Tracker (CFRT)
The following files contain our historical CFRT tracker and visualization from mid-March to September 1st. They were last updated on September 2nd 2020.
View Historical YPFS COVID-19 Financial Response Tracker (CFRT)
View Historical YPFS COVID-19 Financial Response Tracker (CFRT) (Current version of CFRT as of 09-02-2020 for those unable to access Google Sheets)
View Historical YPFS COVID-19 Financial Response Tracker Visualization (CFRTV)