Welcome to the COVID-19 Financial Response Tracker Visualization (CFRTV) platform. CFRTV displays aggregate data from our COVID-19 Response Tracker (CFRT), which collects economic policy responses from official government websites around the world. CFRT is available in a live Google Sheet here or a static (updated daily) Excel file here. CFRTV graphically depicts the CFRT entries according to country and type of intervention. “Interventions” refer to individual government economic policies introduced or amended to combat the negative effects of the coronavirus outbreak. The intent of this platform is to inform citizens, policymakers, and government officials about state actions against COVID-19. This data is not comprehensive, authoritative, or absolute. The visualizations and their underlying data are still works in progress, so please forward any questions, comments, or concerns to ypfs@yale.edu. Please advance by using the left/right directional arrows at the bottom of the page, and right-click to further investigate individual data points.
Page 1 displays an intervention heatmap alongside an aggregate intervention counter. Users can adjust the date window using the knobs at the bottom of the page, and filter according to country and action/proposal.
Page 2 is a matrix that lists tracked countries/institutions on the vertical axis, and the types of interventions on the horizontal axis. The cell values indicate whether a given country has enacted or proposed a type of intervention.
Page 3 is a stacked bar chart that displays countries’ individual policy counts in descending order. Users can filter by country, type of intervention, and action/proposal.
Page 4 is a stacked bar chart that exhibits country-specific intervention timelines. Users can filter by country, type of intervention, and action/proposal.
Page 5 is two-part dashboard with a matrix at the top and a stacked bar chart at the bottom. The matrix allows the users to custom select countries and compare their specific intervention counts, while the stacked bar chart is a visual timeline of aggregate intervention counts.
Page 6 is a two-part dashboard that includes two stacked bar charts. The charts exhibit country-specific intervention timelines. Users can filter by country, action/proposal, or adjust the absolute date window with the knobs at the bottom of the page.
Page 7 is the same as the prior dashboard, with relative dates instead of absolute dates.
The following graphics were created by the Yale Program on Financial Stability, the Yale School of Management Communications Department, and East Rock Software using Microsoft Power BI.
The following graphics were created by the Yale Program on Financial Stability, the Yale School of Management Communications Department, and East Rock Software using Microsoft Power BI.