About the Journal of Financial Crises
The Journal of Financial Crises (JFC) is an online publication of the Yale Program on Financial Stability (YPFS), the mission of which is to create, preserve, and disseminate knowledge about financial crises. The Journal primarily serves as a vehicle for distributing the case studies and surveys of crisis interventions produced by the YPFS staff. We will also publish other work related to systemic risks and financial crises in a variety of formats and styles including: Articles, Archive Notes, case studies, surveys, and Lessons Learned, as further described on the JFC website.
We encourage submissions from outside of Yale. For these submissions, we hope to be an outlet for descriptive and policy-relevant research that might not fit the template of a traditional academic journal. In particular, we aim to publish the useful research done in Central Banks and international agencies that deserves wider distribution. Submissions are reviewed by journal editors and YPFS staff —we will not ordinarily use external referees.
We are international in scope and seek content addressing recent or past financial crises that occur anywhere in the world, in developed and emerging markets. Our audience is primarily central banks, financial regulators, other policy makers, and scholars of financial crises.