News in Systemic Risk: Monday, October 7, 2024 (9:45 a.m. ET)
Basel III capital and liquidity ratios remained stable in the second half of 2023, latest Basel III monitoring exercise shows (Bank for International Settlements)
Are Nonbank Financial Institutions Systemic? (Andres Aradillas Fernandez, Martin Hiti, Asani Sarkar, FRBNY Research (Liberty Street))
Further Tier 1 capital needs for the full implementation of the EU specific Basel III reform are minimal, the EBA Report finds (European Banking Authority)
Climate stress tests are cold comfort for banks (Sergio Scandizzo, Central Banking)
ECB official open to offering liquidity aid to non-banks (Samuel Wilkes, Central Banking)
Geopolitics and cyber security remain top systemic risks – BoE (Daniel Blackburn, Central Banking)