Pre-publication revisions of bank financial statements: a novel way to monitor banks? (Andre Guettler, Mahvish Naeem, Lars Norden, and Bernardus F Nazar Van Doornik; BIS)
The Riskiness of Credit Origins and Downside Risks to Economic Activity (Claudio Raddatz, Dulani Seneviratne, Jerome Vandenbussche, Peichu Xie, and Yizhi Xu; IMF)
Russian central bank lends more Chinese yuan under currency swap operations (Reuters)
Book Value Risk Management of Banks: Limited Hedging, HTM Accounting, and Rising Interest Rates (João Granja, Erica Xuewei Jiang, Gregor Matvos, Tomasz Piskorski & Amit Seru; NBER)
Banks face $2tn of maturing US property debt over next 3 years (Joshua Oliver; Reuters)