Talking to Dan Tarullo about bank mergers, stress tests, and supervision (David Wessel; Brookings Institution)
Macroprudential stress‑test models: a survey (David Aikman, Daniel Beale, Adam Brinley-Codd, Giovanni Covi, Anne‑Caroline Hüser, Caterina Lepore; Bank of England)
Options on Interbank Rates and Implied Disaster Risk (Hitesh Doshi, Hyung Joo Kim, Sang Byung Seo; Federal Reserve Board)
Monetary policy transmission with adjustable and fixed rate mortgages: The role of credit supply (Fatih Altunok, Yavuz Arslan, Steven Ongena; VoxEU)
Not all asset managers can handle the responsibility of direct lending (Jane Buchan; Financial Times)
Has the 2021 general SDR allocation been useful? For what and for whom? (Isabel Garrido, Irune Solera; Bank of Spain)