News in Systemic Risk: Wednesday, May 4, 2022 (10 a.m. ET) May 4, 2022 Cuban central bank to license crypto service providers (Ben Margulies; Central Banking) Earning the trust of Canadians (Carolyn Rogers; Bank of Canada) Monetary Policy Statement, 2022-23 (Reserve Bank of India) Are major advanced economies on the verge of a wage-price spiral? (Frederic Boissay, Fiorella De Fiore, Deniz Igan, Albert Pierres Tejada, Daniel Rees; Bank for International Settlements) The Riksbank’s Financial Markets Survey: Russia's invasion of Ukraine and rising inflation are reducing risk-taking (Sveriges Riksbank) Instinctive versus reflective trust in the European Central Bank (Siria Angino, Stefania Secola; European Central Bank) Resilience of borrowers and the financial system must be strengthened (Marja Nykänen; Finlands Banks) Digital giants at the gate: Tech ownership of banks and the regulatory response (Raihan Zamil, Aidan Lawson; VoxEu) Related Stories Fed Official Michael Barr Provides an Inside Look at Crisis Response High School Students Visit Yale SOM for Introduction to Careers in Business and Economics Visiting Yale, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Hails Program on Financial Stability