Timothy Geithner to Deliver Okun Lectures on Global Financial Crisis
Former treasury secretary Timothy Geithner will deliver three lectures under the auspices of the Arthur M. Okun Public Policy Lectures this fall. The lectures, focusing on the global financial crisis, are open to the Yale community.
Former treasury secretary Timothy Geithner will deliver three lectures under the auspices of the Arthur M. Okun Public Policy Lectures this fall. The lectures, focusing on the global financial crisis, are open to the Yale community.
The lectures, part of the Global Financial Crisis course co-taught by Geithner, will take place from 4:10 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on October 1, November 19, and December 3 at the Yale School of Management, Evans Hall, 165 Whitney Avenue. Advance registration and a Yale ID are required.
Registration will open on Tuesday, September 23, at 12:00 noon EDT through the Yale School of Management website. Space is limited. Those who attend the October 1 lecture will receive priority in registering for the following two lectures to allow for participation in the entire lecture series.
Global Financial Crisis is a for-credit course that surveys the causes, events, policy responses, and aftermath of the recent global financial crisis. Its main goal is to provide a comprehensive view of this major economic event within a framework that explains the dynamics of financial crises in a modern economy.
Member schools in the Global Network for Advanced Management will join the lectures via video stream.
The Arthur M. Okun Public Policy Lectures honor the memory of Arthur M. Okun (1928-1980), a longtime professor of economics at Yale who is best known for the widely accepted economic principle Okun's Law. The lecture series, sponsored by the Yale Department of Economics, seeks to recognize and encourage professional economists who search for policies that will contribute to the betterment of life and living.