News in Systemic Risk: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 (10 a.m. ET)
The Real Effects of Relationship Lending (BIS)
How Credit Cycles across a Financial Crisis (NBER)
International Credit Supply Shocks (NBER)
Central Banks: Evolution and Innovation in Historical Perspective (NBER)
Too Much of a Good Thing? The Need for Consolidation in the European Banking Sector (ECB)
Salvatore Rossi: Ideas for the Future of Italy’s Financial System (BIS)
Inflation, Uncertainty, and Monetary Policy – Chair Janet L. Yellen (Federal Reserve)
Statement of FDIC Vice Chairman Hoenig on the Semi-Annual Update of the Global Capital Index (FDIC)
The Treasury Market Practices Group: A Consequential First Decade (Liberty Street Economics, New York Fed)
EU Watchdog Urges ‘Overbanking’ Solution to Start Local (Reuters)
Global Economy at Risk a Decade on From Financial Crisis, Says WEF (Guardian)
Boutique Research Groups Fear ‘Predatory Pricing’ from Banks (FT)
MiFID Research Rules Have Nordic Regulators as Muddled as Banks (Bloomberg)