News in Systemic Risk: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 (10 a.m. ET)
Economic and Monetary Union: past and present (Mario Draghi; ECB)
‘Running for the exit’: How cross-border bank lending fell (BankUnderground)
Bank Profits Probably Won't Resume Pre-Crisis Levels, ECB Says (Bloomberg)
No, the Financial Crisis Didn’t Spawn Populism (Greg Ip; WSJ)
One size does not fit all: European integration by differentiation (Maria Demertzis, Jean Pisani-Ferry, André Sapir, Thomas Wieser and Guntram B. Wolff; Bruegel)
Should the Fed regularly evaluate its monetary policy framework? (Jeffrey Fuhrer, Giovanni Olivei, Eric Rosengren, and Geoffrey Tootell; Brookings)
U.S. Economy in a Snapshot – September 2018 (FRBNY)
How the biggest private equity firms became the new banks (FT)
Kuroda Stays the Course, Helping Abe Toward Record-Beating Run – (Bloomberg)