News in Systemic Risk: Wednesday. September 18th, 2019 (10 a.m. ET)
Supervisory governance, capture, and non-performing loans (N. Fraccaroli; Bank of England)
Why is the Federal Reserve pouring money into the financial system? (J. Rennison, B. Greely; Financial Times)
Fed Preps Second $75 Billion Blast With Repo Market Still On Edge (L. McCormick; Bloomberg)
Optimal Negative Interest Rate under Uncertainty (K.M. Jung; International Journal of Central Banking)
APRA releases key observations from thematic review of insurers' recovery plans (Australian Prudential Regulation Authority)
Restarting asset purchases in the euro area: Lessons from €2 trillion of ECB purchases (R. Koijen, F. Koulischer, B. Nguyen, M. Yogo; VoxEU)
Digital challenges to the international monetary and financial system (B. Cœuré; European Central Bank)
Price trends over the product life cycle and the optimal inflation target (K. Adam, H. Weber; Deutche Bundesbank)