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News in Systemic Risk: Wednesday, September 11, 2019 (10 a.m. ET)

FCA steps up efforts to ensure firms are getting ready for a no-deal Brexit (Financial Conduct Authority)

Trust and transparency in the financial system (Lars Rohde; National Bank of Denmark)

The Well-meaning Economist (Adam Gorajek; Reserve Bank of Australia)

The two sides of government guarantees for banks (Taneli Mäkinen, Lucio Sarno, Gabriele Zinna; VoxEU)

Global Imbalances and Capital Flows in the Era of New Technologies (Pablo Hernández de Cos; Bank of Spain)

Do we really know that U.S. monetary policy was destabilizing in the 1970s? (Qazi Haque, Nicolas Groshenny, Mark Weder; Finlands Bank)